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Outfit Staff + Give Back

Outfit Staff + Give Back

T-Shirt fundraising, it really does work!

Waypoint's Gentleman Campaign© started a CausePage (online fundraiser) to help raise funds and awareness for their Domestic Violence Victim Services Program. Over 2,700 survivors were supported in seven counties in Northeast Iowa, including: Benton, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Delaware, Dubuque, Jones and Linn. 

This specific t-shirt fundraising campaign raised over $2,000 and helped spread awareness about domestic violence and encourage community involvement.

Fundraising idea:

'Wear Your Support to Work, Day'

Two local businesses bought their entire staff Waypoint's custom t-shirts as gifts (and as always, 40% of each giant purchase was donated back to Waypoint). It was a great way to get their staff involved in ‘wearing their support’ for a local non-profit, giving back to that same non-profit and building employee morale.


A special thank you to:

ImOn a local provider of Internet, cable TV and phone services to residents of Cedar Rapids, IA who purchased 126 CauseTees for their staff, which resulted in a $1,260 donation.

Informatics, a digital marking agency in Cedar Rapids, IA (aka our personal web gurus) rallied their staff in wearing their support and donated $170.


Now, It's Your Turn

CauseLeaders- Love this fundraising idea as much as we do? We encourage you to invite local businesses in your area to support YOU + your online fundraiser in this way! (It's definitely worth an ask, right?)

Business Leaders- Interested in gifting your staff a chance to do some good? Find a CausePage and wear your support at your office.


Find a CausePage