Kailee's Fight Club
$11,493.20 raised of $15,000.00 goal
Sep 7, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023

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Our amazing friend, cousin, sister, daughter, and wife- Kailee, is known for being a lot of things: the life of the party, funny, caring, and (most importantly to her) the best mom. She goes out of her way to make people smile and has the biggest heart for others. Now she needs those around her to rally and have her back, just like she's done for us.
Kailee and Derek got married in September of 2019. They've built an amazing life including their most precious creation, Beckham Gavin Thomae. He was so excited to meet his amazing parents that he decided to welcome himself into the world at only 27 weeks gestation in October 2021. While it was certainly not the way any first-time parent wants to see their child arriving, Kailee and Derek were a united front and remained strong over the next few months while Beckham was under the care of the NICU team. Since his exit, Beckham has grown and became the cutest, happiest little guy - a great combination of Kailee and Derek. In October, Beckham will get to celebrate his 2nd birthday! Everything was going well as a family but they have recently hit a speed bump...
In June, Kailee's life slowly began to change. She lost her beloved grandpa Don and was heartbroken. Shortly after, Kailee contracted COVID and began having breathing issues. Since then she hasn't felt like her normal self. She spent most of the summer having symptoms and trying to get over the bug she contracted early on. She visited the ER and had hospital stays, but was only getting better temporarily. In August, Kailee had a follow-up appointment and was readmitted to the hospital. A few days later, she was informed that she has Stage 4 Lung Cancer at the young age of 35.
Kailee is prepared for this battle and is keeping positive energy and prayer at the forefront of the fight. Since finding out her diagnosis, Kailee has been readmitted to the hospital for pneumonia and was transferred to the ICU in late August. She has been battling and is showing signs of improvement.
Derek and her parents have been a rock for Kailee and Beckham throughout the entire process. Her parents rarely leave her side and are doing an absolutely amazing job of supporting her. Derek is doing the best he can to take care of his wife and continuing to be the best dad by making sure Beckham stays on schedule and in his environment. There are many facetime calls and visits to mommy at the hospital to give kisses and such, but things just aren't the same. Kailee was just about to start a new career and had accepted a position a week before finding out her diagnosis. Kailee was trying to find her way back to her true passion in the world: helping children. She was looking forward to being a para at an elementary school this fall and was so excited to put her education and passion back together. Since finding out her diagnosis, she unfortunately had to turn the job down so she could focus on treatment.
This is the time that we all need to come together and support this amazing family. They are doing their best to fight and remain positive, but they have been dealt a hard hand over the past few months. They need their troops to rally and provide support in any way. Please donate what you are able to help support Kailee and Derek so she can remain focused on her fight against cancer. Any amount helps and is appreciated.
Ways to support Kailee's Fight Club CausePage:
Shop + Give: 40% of any purchase ('Kailee's Fight Club' CauseTee or any CAUSETEAM product) is donated to this CausePage.
Crowdfunding: Give a direct donation locatied at the bottom of this page and 100% of the donation (minus fees) will be gifted.
Stay up to date and follow this cause to success!
Kailee posted an amazing update on her social media today. Please see the picture for what she had to say ❤️
{We reached 100% to our first goal! Kailee and Derek are so incredibly thankful to all of those who have donated. They are touched by the overwhelming amount of support they have received from both friends and people they have yet to meet! There is still a long way to go in Kailee's journey and we need to all be sure to be there along the way to help. Financially, physically and emotionally, there are so many ways to give support. Please continue to keep Kailee and her family in your thoughts and prayers and give an extra hug to someone you love ❤️}
{We are 80% of the way to our goal and working on a final push. Thank you to all that have donated and shared! Kailee has now been home for over a week and is doing well. She is enjoying all the time back home with Beckham, Derek and Bella and adjusting to this new normal. She is ready to focus and start treatments to conquer the cancer now. Please continue to keep Kailee in your thoughts and prayers.}
{After Day 1 we are 20% of the way to our goal, thank you so much to everyone who has shared and donated! More options for shirts will be added shortly, long sleeve and some kids sizes. Kailee continues to improve. She was moved out of the ICU and is back on a normal hospital floor until they can finish off the pneumonia. She is in good spirits and has her spunk back. After she finally defeats that beast she will start to attack the cancer with Chemo. Please keep all the positive thoughts and prayers going her way as she continues on with her journey.}
Shop CAUSETEAM Merch - 40% of every purchase is donated.