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$2,915.80 raised of $3,000.00 goal

Jan 11, 2023 to Dec 31, 2024

URGENT UPDATE to support Haiti in crisis. Learn about the dire situation and how you can make a meaningful difference by providing assistance to families facing unimaginable hardships. Every contribution counts.

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POSTED 3/26/2024

I’m reaching out to you today with a heavy heart to shed light on the dire situation unfolding in Haiti. As you may have seen in the news, Haiti is once again in the grip of a crisis. Kidnappings and gang violence have reached alarming levels, with reports suggesting that over 80% of Port au Prince is under gang control. A few weeks ago, these gang members broke into the prisons and freed thousands of prisoners, creating their own, not-so-little army of loyal soldiers. (The Miami Herald does a nice job of covering this, if you want to learn more.)


Having visited Haiti eleven times during our adoption journey, never did I feel unsafe being there, but I’m quite certain that I wouldn’t be prepared to see Haiti today. None of us would.


Pierre, a loving father, husband, dear friend, and former metal artist for CAUSETEAM reaches out to us with heartbreaking messages, pleading for assistance to feed his family and ensure their safety amidst the chaos. His words echo the sentiments of countless others in Haiti who are facing unimaginable hardships every moment of every day.


Charles, another dear friend, luckily isn’t living in Port au Prince near all the gang violence, but he and his family and village are certainly feeling the effects of this turmoil. They can’t get to the city and the village store surpluses are dwindling. He will receive the majority of the funds we raise, as he will use it to help the village of Luly where he lives, for food, for the roof of the church where many gather to pray, and for anything else where he sees a need.


We may not have the capacity to solve all of Haiti's problems, but we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of two of our dear friends, their families, their village and more.


On April 15th 2024, and again on May 15th 2024, I will be wiring money to Pierre and Charles.


Would you consider joining us in our efforts?

  1. Purchase a 'With Haiti' CauseTee above, and wear it as a symbol of solidarity and hope (40% of each purchase will be donated.)
  2. Make a direct donation (100% of cash donations will go towards aiding Pierre, Charles, and the village of Luly). Simply scroll to where it says
    Crowdfunding: Another way to Give here.
  3. Even if you aren't able to donate, will you please join us in praying for Haiti - for their safety and protection, for them to keep hope in their hearts, to not lose faith, and for peace building to begin somehow, some way. 

Your generosity has the power to bring relief and comfort to families facing unimaginable hardships. Together, we can make a difference and show families in Haiti that they are not alone in this struggle.

Thank you for your unwavering support and compassion.

With gratitude,

Amanda, John + CAUSETEAM


 … any way possible.

From August 2021 to December 2022, you helped us raise $4,245 for the people of Haiti.  THANK YOU. Would you please consider to keep helping in 2023? Times are unprecedented in Haiti right now. Life is very, very difficult for many. Every little bit helps, so we appreciate your consideration.  To see how money raised has been used in the past, please read on...


Since befriending John and Amanda (CAUSETEAM Owners) in 2012, Charles has orchestrated and led many CAUSETEAM fundraising campaigns in Haiti.  Well-known as the “Helper” in his area, Charles often gives eggs and chickens from his Chicken farm to the homeless and poor. In the last couple of years, he’s also built an above-ground Tilapia farm. The fish are starting to grow big enough to eat as well. He often gives fish away to those who can’t afford to buy food. He built a water well in the village of Boi Nou with our ‘Water is Life Giving’ campaign and facilitates the ‘Christmas for Haiti’ program every year since 2013. He has grown a community garden, and shares everything with those in need. In the summer of 2021, a need arose because of the earthquake that hit the region.  Charles also was responsible for distributing money and supplies to families that were most effected in their area. In November and December of 2022, fundraising efforts were a little bit different. The gang violence and living conditions were at their worst, and we trusted our friends on the ground to use the money they received how they best saw fit. We knew people are desparate and simply trying to survive. This is still the case now. Charles works hard, he gives generously, and he’s a good man. 

From Charles - "We continue to trust God. His love is able to show compassion and kindness in His name for the people. We keep in our heart, prayers for peace for Haiti. Jesus Christ has all the power and authority, and we have the privilege to pray in His Might Name. Your support will make a big difference in the lives of a lot of Haitian people in need.” 

Psalm 10: 16-18 - You will listen, O Lord, you will give them courage. You will hear the cries of the oppressed and orphans. You will judge in their favor, so that mortal men may cause terror no more.

Psalm 12:6 - The promise of the Lord can be trusted…but now I will come, says the Lord, because the needy are oppressed and the persecuted groan in pain.  I will give them the security they long for.

So, let's work together, shall we?  Do some good with 40% of every purchase donated to WITH HAITI or you can also support with a direct donation to the CausePage.



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  • Anonymous July 16, 2023
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  • Linda Haight November 12, 2023
  • Tom and Susan Haight November 17, 2023
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  • Jessie Thurn March 27, 2024
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  • Denise melchert March 27, 2024
  • Tim Haight March 27, 2024
  • Anonymous March 27, 2024
  • Tim Haight March 27, 2024
  • Anonymous March 27, 2024
  • Anonymous March 27, 2024
  • Barb Bleile March 27, 2024
  • Elissa Frost March 27, 2024
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  • Anonymous March 27, 2024
  • Bolger Family March 27, 2024
  • Anonymous March 28, 2024
  • Tom Haight March 28, 2024
  • Tom Haight March 28, 2024
  • Brittany Brannaman March 28, 2024
  • Nancy Spry March 29, 2024
  • Anonymous March 29, 2024
  • Anonymous April 5, 2024
  • Anonymous April 9, 2024
  • Anonymous April 19, 2024
  • Tom Haight May 14, 2024
  • Anonymous May 27, 2024
  • Tom Haight June 13, 2024
  • Anonymous July 1, 2024

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